Baby #3 is on his/her way. I'm due May 16, 2010. We think - I'll explain in a bit. It's been rough (hence all the whining) so far. I've been incredibly nauseous- even while on diclectin, I feel like I'm about to hurl at any given moment. Afternoons and evenings are the worst for some reason. Seems backwards that my "morning sickness" is a night, but whatever.
So, to explain the uncertainty of my due date. I went to the Doctor yesterday for my 12 week check. Third time around, and it's pretty routine. Pee in the cup, try not to cry when you see how much you really weigh, tell them about all the weird cravings you've been having, lay down so he can prod your belly, and get teary when he finds the baby's heartbeat. Except that didn't happen. He found the heartbeat - good and strong, and he prodded my belly, but then asked me how far along I was again. I told him 12 weeks. He said, "HMMM, you're measuring a bit big for that. Like maybe more like 16 weeks. Or there's more than one baby in there" WHAT!? Go back a second, what do you mean 16 weeks? And what's this about more than one? I'm pretty sure my dates are right - I notice when that time of month comes (how could I not?), so pretty sure I didn't mess that one up. But the alternative- TWINS?! Oh boy.
So, either I'm further along than I thought. Hurray! Which would explain why my clothes don't fit already, and I felt so HUGE at only 9 weeks - I was really 13. OR, we're having twins which would also explain why my clothes don't fit and I already feel huge. Unfortunately the soonest I can get in for an ultrasound is December 1st, so I get to stew about it for a month!
So that's our exciting news - our family is growing, we just don't know by how much yet :-)g

Wow!! Congrats to you!
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you're talking about when you say you feel terrible. That's my life when I'm pregnant...and yes, it was always worse in the evening. I figured out by my third pregnancy that getting tired really made me feel more sick so I did everything I could to get 8-10 hours a night. It helped a lot. All the 'keep crackers by your bed' and other similar kinds of advise didn't help me at all.
JEN!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I wish you were here so we could share pregnancies!! I'm so excited for you! I was so scared we were having twins too, but luckily, there's only one. :) But, I do have to say that I think it would be awesome to have twins! I hope you do! Can't wait to hear the news!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I could wait that long to find out! Crazy!! Congrats on the pregnancy! I can't wait to hear the whether it's one or two!
ReplyDeleteDawn: Going to bed early is not my thing. I'm a night owl, but I've discovered that if I'm too tired then I'm more sick the next day. So now I download all my shows and watch them early in the evening instead of watching them when they are on and force myself to go to bed. I'm still not good at it, but better than I was.
ReplyDeleteKim: When I found out you were pregnant too, I was sad we weren't still in Calgary. It would be fun to have a pregnant buddy close by. Everyone I know who is pregnant is in another city. Guess I need to go make friends with some pregnant ladies :-)
Michelle: I know, it's seriously killing me to have to wait that long!!
I think you've been doing great not whining! I hope for your sanity that you are further along (although it would be a tad cool for YOU to have twins) :)
ReplyDeleteOh my!! Congrats Wilde family. How exciting!!! Good luck with the ultrasound on the 1st.I think twins would be fun... A LOT of work, but fun!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! I can't BELIEVE that you can't get an ultrasound until December when they think it might be twins! That's unheard of down here. Good luck stewing! hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I'm not one of those ladies that thinks twins would be awesome, gah! It would be crazy!! I measured a month early with my 2nd child A.J., told I might be having twins too, sounds similar to what you're going through. He was just big. But near the end, he measured exactly on every week. Well, I hope November flies by for you, the anticipation must be horrible.
ReplyDeleteWoohoo Jen! This is awesome! I'm so excited for you guys :D I'll bet the kids are excited too eh? And we certainly wll have to hangout and scrapbook and whatnot! My cell number is 403 634 6043 and the house number is 403 320 0533, you can give me a call or text anytime! <3
ReplyDeleteI was measuring about 3 weeks big with Olivia too...I had 6 untrasounds to check sizes and other stuff but by the end I was measuring right on and she was only 7lbs 11oz. Good luck though...a new baby (or two) is so exciting!