The weather here has been HOT!! Like 35 degrees hot. We have no air conditioning in our place, so it makes it a bit unbearable in the house in the afternoon and evenings. Luckily the spray park is so much fun that we spend most evenings there to cool off.
The kids got to go to a class at the Tyrrell Museum. It was a lot of fun for both of them. The museum has a whole section of the building full of classrooms for things such as this summer program. At the entrance is a dino statue named Trevor. The kids thought it was pretty cool to meet a dino with the same name as their uncle.
Once inside the classroom, the kids got to hold real fossils! So cool!!
They also had this box set up for a dino dig. The kids got to pretend they were real Paleontologists and dig for dino bones.
We had a chance to go to Carstairs for the Annual Beef and Barley Days Parade. Both kids really enjoyed the Canada Day parade in Raymond, so we made the drive from Drumheller to Carstairs Saturday morning. When we told them where we were going, they could hardly wait to get there. Anise was particularly excited. Once there, she could hardly wait for it to start.
The kids have quickly learned that parade = candy (a lot of it!)
To kill time one morning the kids and I went downtown to look for dinosaurs. Now I knew there were a lot of dinos downtown, but I had no idea how many. I took a picture of the kids with every single dino that we saw. We spent almost 2 hours and only made it about 3 blocks from where we parked. I took pictures of over 20 different dinos!! Here are 2 of my favorites
---riding the dino---
Tuesday, Sean was on post call, so we headed out in the afternoon to do some more touristy things. First we stopped at the suspension bridge in Rosedale.
Next, we drove to the Hoo Doos. Now, growing up in Lethbridge, we frequently went to Writing on Stone and played in the Hoo Doos there. This was what I was kind of expecting here. However, the Hoo Doos here are much different. They are a lot smaller, and seem more fragile and there are a few areas that are roped off to stop people from climbing on them. The area is also WAY smaller. Anyway, since the kids have never seen Hoo Doos before they were totally impressed and had a blast.
Finally, we went to the Worlds Largest Dinosaur. You go up several flights of stairs inside the dinosaur and come out in his mouth! It's pretty neat because they've decorated the walls on the way up with fossils, and murals - some in glow in the dark paint, which Kaden thought was so cool. Anise loved being at the top! She kept saying she was being eaten by a dinosaur, and now every time we drive past it, she reminds us that he tried to eat us.
This might be the last post for a while again. In the next couple of days the kids and I are heading back to Calgary to pack up the house. Sean is joining us on the weekend, and then we move the Lethbridge!!! Wish us luck!
Looks like you've been having a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the move? What's the exact day?
oooh looks like you've had fun!!! Call us if you need help!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the move!Where is your new house? BTW- Anise's hair looks darling!!!