- For the beautiful weather we had today. And the forecast that says it's going to stay this nice and warm and sunny for the next week! It's about time. I've missed the sun. I've missed hearing the chirping birds in my yard. But mostly I've missed the kids being able to go outside and play!
- For General Conference. It never ceases to amaze me how so many of the talks seem to be directed to me personally. Maybe that just means that there are many many other people going through the same things as me, but whatever the reason I know that the speakers are truly inspired.
- For my fantastically wonderful husband. I could seriously write a novel about how I love this man. He's a hard worker, loves his family, knows just what to say and do when I'm stressed out (not that I EVER stress about anything) and knows how to have a fun time in any situation!
- For my kids. Despite driving me crazy some days, they come up with the most hilarious things that keep me laughing. Today, I had a conversation with Anise that went something like this:
Anise (in a stern voice): No, I'm not!
Me: You're not!? I think you are
Anise (still sounding cheezed at me): I'm not cute!! I'm Anise!!
I could go on and on, because I truly have so much to be thankful for!!
yep. wonderful thankful list. And Anise IS so cute!