I am still alive!!!
I know you'll never believe it, but I'm sitting on the floor of a hotel bathroom waiting for Maggie to conk out and have a nap, while Sean and the kids are at the pool swimming, so I figured this was the most opportune time I was going to get. 'Cause we have a lot planned this weekend. Because we've been so busy that if we weren't really busy on our vacation too we probably wouldn't know what to do with ourselves and get bored.
So this isn't going to be a complete update for a few reasons:
1. Maggie will never sleep long enough for me to even begin to scratch the surface of what we've been up to the last 6 months
2. My computer battery will die long before I get to everything
3. My legs and but will fall asleep from sitting on a hard cold tile floor for that long
4. I don't have all our pictures on my laptop, and some stories are just better with pictures
5. The hotels internet connection is incredibly SLOW, so I don't think it could handle a post with more than one or two pictures and words all at the same time
6. You would all lose interest partway through the post anyway, and then still wouldn't know what we've been up to.
I will try my bestest to catch up slowly, and that will just have to do.
So back to the sitting on the bathroom floor of a hotel room thing.
Sean has just finished the last week of a crazy busy, 100+ hr/week, 10 week long rotation. So he needed a break, away from the hospital, and the 3 roads he drove on the get there and back (because lets face it, he hasn't really driven anywhere else in the last 10 weeks). And I needed a break from the house and everything else. So we booked a hotel, packed up the kids and drove to Edmonton. We're spending 4 days here and so far having a great time! We took the kids to West Edmonton Mall this morning, after "sleeping in". Now don't go and get all excited for us - these days our sleeping in is anything past 6 am, so when the kids didn't wake up until 7:30am and didn't make us get out of bed until 8:30am, it was heaven! We headed over to the mall, watched the Remembrance Day ceremony, and then let them marvel at the shear awesomeness of the mall. We spent a bit of cash, and let the kids go on a few rides in Galaxyland, and play some games. After a late lunch at the food court we came back to the hotel, and here I am hiding out in the bathroom so Maggie will sleep.
I will try and post some of our video's and pics when we get home (see number 5), but for now, I'll try and leave you with this great Remembrance Day video that I just stole from my sister's blog :-)
Daddy Daughter Weekend
4 months ago
Nice to see a post :) Too bad I missed it when you ACTUALLY wrote it :) Miss you!